The Greater Tygerberg Partnership is connecting people, places and partners to the many possibilities that exist for the current and future success of Bellville - Cape Town's secondary city.
This series explores how Bellville is a great showcase and template for African Cities, the economic and social value of multi-cultural urban populations, successful placemaking to build inclusive African places, Bellville Future City and Local Spatial Development Framework Masterplan, and more.
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Warren Hewitt is Chief Executive Officer at The Greater Tygerberg Partnership (GTP). We discuss the role of the GTP in unlocking Bellville’s potential as a sustainable and prosperous leading African city, Bellville’s culture and combined intellectual capital, attracting investment, working closely with the public sector, and many facts about Bellville.
Abdullahi Ali Hassan has a Master's in Urban Studies and is very active in the Bellville Somalian community. We explore the importance of multiculturalism in urban centres, narratives and perceptions, the importance of strong leadership, how city governments can better support multicultural populations, and more.
Maurietta Stewart is Head of Environmental & Heritage Management for District A+D (Table Bay and Tygerberg) at The City of Cape Town and Guy Briggs is Partner and Head of Urban Design at dhk Architects. We discuss successful placemaking to build inclusive African places.
Frank Cumming is Director for Urban Catalytic Investments at the City of Cape Town. We discuss city mega projects, the Bellville Future City and Local Spatial Development Framework masterplan, the role of partnerships, and more.