Move Africa: Sasheen Rajkumar

Towards sustainable and smart mobility this episode of the MOVE Africa show is with Sasheen Rajkumar. He is a SANRAL project manager, engineer, creative problem solver, big-picture thinker, and futurist that actively thinks about solving local and global problems.

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Listen or watch to explore:

  • His definition of smart mobility and the key elements of smart mobility.
  • Biggest challenges currently holding back progress in enabling smarter, sustainable mobility.
  • How these challenges can be addressed right now.
  • Innovative thinking at SANRAL. Key projects and future thinking.
  • The important of industry collaboration and how to enable more of it.
  • How actual behavioural change can happen.
  • Fresh thinking and new approaches currently 'in progress' to keep cities accessible without compromising residents' quality of life or the environment.
  • Emerging technologies that will disrupt the industry and cities.
  • When and how the impacts of these emerging technologies will be seen in our daily lives.
  • His vision for the future of cities and how we can make it happen.

About Sasheen Rajkumar
SANRAL project manager, engineer, innovator, creative problem solver, big-picture thinker, and futurist that actively thinks about solving local and global problems. Passionate about technology and innovation to bring about positive change in the advancement of smart, sustainable, electric and autonomous mobility for everyone.

About the Move Africa show on Future Cities Africa
Faced with fast-growing urbanisation and motorisation rates, providing a sustainable response to Africa's growing urban transport and mobility needs will be a struggle for most African cities.

Towards sustainable and smart mobility, the Move Africa show gets into the minds of thought leaders and decision makers to explore challenges, opportunities, key actions, best practice and critical thinking to help Africa move forward.

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