Frank Cumming is Director for Urban Catalytic Investments at the City of Cape Town.
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Kurtis Lockhart is Executive Director and Head of Research at The Charter Cities Institute (CCI).
Thorpe Koorts is Acting Project Officer for the Tygerberg Central Hospital PPP in the Department of Health and Wellness at the Western Cape Government.
Musa Khumalo is the Group Head for Shared Services at the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality. He is also the chairperson of the Risk and Audit Committee at the Gauteng Department of Economic Development.
Bronwyn Williams is an Economist, Trend Analyst, Futurist and Partner at Flux Trends.
Karen Bosman is Head: Strategy and Advocacy at Wesgro.
Hendrick Raedani is Divisional Head: Alternative and Renewable Energy, Energy Department at City of Ekurhuleni
Dennis Abuya is a Registered Physical Planner working with the County Government of Kiambu.
John Tanui, CEO, Konza Technopolis Development Authority
Juanita Clark is the Chief Executive Officer of the Digital Council Africa.
Guy Briggs is Partner and Head of Urban Design at dhk Architects.